Sherry S. Jennings is the founder and principal consultant of Sound Governance.
Sherry holds a BS in Human Services Management and two Master’s degrees in Psychology and Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Her academic understanding is supplemented by first-hand experience with the challenges of running both all-volunteer organizations and membership organizations. In addition to her work serving the community as a hands-on volunteer, Sherry serves on public and private foundations boards.
Prior to starting her private practice, Sherry served as an executive of a national nonprofit trade association serving nearly 200,000 members. Sherry has over 13 years of experience in consulting with organization leaders on developing sound organizational policies and practices. Her clients benefit from positive, strength-based strategies to determine the factors and forces that bring about success. Sherry has assisted a wide variety of clients and industries — agriculture, arts, banking, education, healthcare, human services, international marketing and trade, public lands, utilities, technology, and more.
Her company, Sound Governance, is part of The Xylem Group — an international think tank on governance, leadership, and accountability. As a published author of a number of peer-reviewed articles on governance, strategic planning, and board service, Sherry has researched best practices of all sectors in the nonprofit world.
Sherry continues to research governance effectiveness and is working on a PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Why? Because policies, procedures, and structures do not make great organizations — great people do. Sherry is passionate about helping people find ways to use their strengths and develop their natural skills and talents in organizational settings. People are at their best when they love what they do. Getting the work done with creativity and energy comes down to a simple idea: It’s gotta be fun!